
"Does the distance one travels from center make one more free to move?"

"No. Freedom has two parts: potential and resolution; as metaphor has two parts: form and interpretation. Of course, the two are intertwined. Metaphor lines the road to freedom, as symbols and words are the bricks and mortar of meaning. Freedom is being the bricoleur, the mason."

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Marathon: Resurrection Forum

Re: Resurrection

Posted By: A.C. Wells
Date: 2002.

In Response To: Resurrection (Captain Kewl)

: Okay, did some digging around -- I think I see where we
: might be getting confused. Is the Resurrection
: started by Carnage the one you're talking about?

: The website's missing a lot of pages, particularly of
: screenshots. I guess this is the one that actually got
: shut down?

Yes it was, and that was some great diggin'.

I still have the original exe they released with the entire first episode of Wolf3d, Doom, and Quake with it. I have all of the Wolf/Doom enemies and weapons, but I'm still missing a few of the Q1 textures.

I was really upset when iD closed this one down (they forced them to erase some of the coding they did because it looked way too close to actual iD work, and not just a reproduction meant for a MOD( because of the high quality it had, even in it's earlier releases.

It's still a great LAN game, though. Alot of other Doom Mods (and Quake Mods) have great maps that go well with it.

It's nice to see that my odd assumptions and old facts still work...

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