
"Does the distance one travels from center make one more free to move?"

"No. Freedom has two parts: potential and resolution; as metaphor has two parts: form and interpretation. Of course, the two are intertwined. Metaphor lines the road to freedom, as symbols and words are the bricks and mortar of meaning. Freedom is being the bricoleur, the mason."

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Marathon: Resurrection Forum

Re: Basic Critizisim.

Posted By: A.C. Wells
Date: 2002.

In Response To: Re: Basic Critizisim. (Lt. Et'he)

: I don't get into game books honestly... (I didn't get
: into ResEvil either) I read Fall of Reach simply cause
: it was part of a game I had followed forever and
: ever... But it's not breathtaking literary content by
: any means.

: I read more books by my 15th birthday then most people
: will read in three lifetimes, but once highschool and
: college hit, I found that I had to carefully select my
: games and books, as I suddenly had not time for either
: of them.

: Game books IMO are Safeway litereature... Usually of the
: same caliber as the fluffy romance novels that line
: the grocery store's shelves.

Man, you are missin' out (maybe I just love readin'). Game books are what inspired me to write my own novel (which I've been doing for 6 years now), simply because I want to wrtie a novel so someone'll make a game out of (Half-Life is a good example).

Wether or not it's a crappy game is still to be determined :P.

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