: I have a few questions of my own.
: 01. If and when you finish resurrecting Marathon and it
: works out to appear as if it was perfectly done, where
: you can play it and it appears like bungie itself got
: it right this time, Will you do a Durandal
: resurrection?
This will be evaluated when we reach that door, and not one second before.
: 02. How true to the game's original creatures will you
: remain? Will you be using the Infinity variants of the
: creatures (Pfhor with a top eye, S'pht with mounds,
: Droids instead of wasps, enforcers with capes, etc.),
: or will you be modeling units like the original game
: (Pfhor with an noseeye, S'pht with heads, Wasps
: instead of droids, enforcers like dripping snot,
: etc.)?
They will be Marathon:Resurrection's own original interpretations of the aliens.
: 03. Will the consoles be like they were in the original
: (time freezes), like they were in Durandal/* (time
: continues), or will they just be high res pics that
: slideshow on the consoles without leaving the FPS
: engine?
Dependent on what causes less headaches in the coding implementation.
: 04. How will the ammo capacity/ difficulty setting
: conflict be resolved? Will it be true to the original,
: or just one setting?
Unresolved at this point.
: 05. Will you make it possible for characters in the game
: to be more than randomly ambient life? Such as
: actually finding Robert Blake, the Pfhor scientest
: Re'eer (both Marathon 2), or perhaps even Bernhard
: Strauss himself?
Doubtfull... Actual interaction with many of these prominent characters introduces scenarios where the revered story can be thrown astray.
: 06. Can I safely assume that at least half the BOBs will
: be female this time around?
No... BOB will be 100% male... and if he has any inclinations to be 50% male... I will castrate him myself for such idiocy... :-)
: 07. Will the incorrect Naval terminology ("the Pfhor
: have invaded the Marathon!" instead of "the
: Pfhor have invaded Marathon!" [correct v
: original]) remain in the console text?
Uh... Wow... You're hardcore ain't ya? It will be the way the original story was told... Mistakes and all.
: 08. Will you allow the Bernhard/ Bernard text conflict to
: remain?
Yes... Story is untouched.
: 09. Will you support a prologue like what was written in
: the manual text ingame or otherwise (prefight movie,
: etc.)?
We hope... We'd like to... But we'd also like to get the fans something to play with as well... Dependent on how much midnight oil we're interested in burning.
: 10. Will you be adding the angular verticies when
: necessary, but impossible in the originals?
: 11. Will the Pfhor sound the same, or better than the
: original?
: 12. How close to the original will the 'protagonist' we
: play as (the cyborg/human debate rages still) be
: portrayed? Will you take any liberties to offset the
: balance of the argument, or does that even matter?
Story is preserved entirely... Thus your debate can go on, cause we're not casting our own shadow on this debate.
: 13. Since the original look of Marathon is not integral
: to the story, will you give her an update?
: 14. Will ALL the details from the original be transposed?
: even the secret writing on the hull of level one that
: is rumored to exist?
Damn... We will not be pursuing rumors... You are 1337 man, I bow to your hardcore pursuit of Marathon.
: i will stop there, and eventually start again at #15.
Heh, ok...