I have a few questions of my own.
01. If and when you finish resurrecting Marathon and it works out to appear as if it was perfectly done, where you can play it and it appears like bungie itself got it right this time, Will you do a Durandal resurrection?
02. How true to the game's original creatures will you remain? Will you be using the Infinity variants of the creatures (Pfhor with a top eye, S'pht with mounds, Droids instead of wasps, enforcers with capes, etc.), or will you be modeling units like the original game (Pfhor with an noseeye, S'pht with heads, Wasps instead of droids, enforcers like dripping snot, etc.)?
03. Will the consoles be like they were in the original (time freezes), like they were in Durandal/* (time continues), or will they just be high res pics that slideshow on the consoles without leaving the FPS engine?
04. How will the ammo capacity/ difficulty setting conflict be resolved? Will it be true to the original, or just one setting?
05. Will you make it possible for characters in the game to be more than randomly ambient life? Such as actually finding Robert Blake, the Pfhor scientest Re'eer (both Marathon 2), or perhaps even Bernhard Strauss himself?
06. Can I safely assume that at least half the BOBs will be female this time around?
07. Will the incorrect Naval terminology ("the Pfhor have invaded the Marathon!" instead of "the Pfhor have invaded Marathon!" [correct v original]) remain in the console text?
08. Will you allow the Bernhard/ Bernard text conflict to remain?
09. Will you support a prologue like what was written in the manual text ingame or otherwise (prefight movie, etc.)?
10. Will you be adding the angular verticies when necessary, but impossible in the originals?
11. Will the Pfhor sound the same, or better than the original?
12. How close to the original will the 'protagonist' we play as (the cyborg/human debate rages still) be portrayed? Will you take any liberties to offset the balance of the argument, or does that even matter?
13. Since the original look of Marathon is not integral to the story, will you give her an update?
14. Will ALL the details from the original be transposed? even the secret writing on the hull of level one that is rumored to exist?
i will stop there, and eventually start again at #15.