
"Does the distance one travels from center make one more free to move?"

"No. Freedom has two parts: potential and resolution; as metaphor has two parts: form and interpretation. Of course, the two are intertwined. Metaphor lines the road to freedom, as symbols and words are the bricks and mortar of meaning. Freedom is being the bricoleur, the mason."

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Marathon: Resurrection Forum

Re: Info not covered but we can make some guesses

Posted By: Tyrandir
Date: 2001.

In Response To: Re: Info not covered but we can make some guesses (Andrew Nagy)

: Never mind that if you'd taken this attitude of "if
: it doesn't make sense, it's out" before it was
: confirmed that the player was a cyborg, you'd have
: made him run at Bob speed, die with one head shot, and
: limited him to carrying two weapons at a time.

It was confirmed that the player was a cyborg since the first game was released, as Bungie dropped several clues about your player's nonhuman status in the terminals; the manual also states that you were far superior to your colleagues during training. Although this is still somewhat vague, the ending screen of Infinity pretty much confirms that you are a cyborg ("a hybrid, elusive destroyer", "but you were dead a thousand times", "a man long dead, grafted to machines your builders did not understand").

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