: Okay, that was a nutty little rant, but he raises a good
: point.
: Why not a Marathon 4L mapset someday, just like Bungie
: did before Marathon? (I suppose you people will need
: to get the console stuff working and all that, but if
: Deus Ex could do what they did from what they had, I'm
: sure you guys can duplicate Marathon's consoles.)
It seems like this topic comes up every few months, so I think I'll just leave this post hanging around on my hard disk for a while ready for re-posting (or maybe get it added to the FAQ). The following is a list (just off the top of my head) of the things that need to be implemented for this MOD. The ones with an asterisk after them are the ones that would need to be completed just to recreate the original Marathon demo (or leaked beta):
Minor fighter *
Major fighter *
Minor projectile fighter *
Major projectile fighter *
Minor wasp
Major wasp
Minor hunter
Major hunter
Minor enforcer
Major enforcer
Minor S'pht *
Major S'pht *
Invisible S'pht *
Mas invisible S'pht *
S'pht controller alien
Minor trooper
Major trooper
Assimilated bob
Fist *
Magnum *
Double magnum
Fusion pistol *
Assault rifle *
Alien weapon
Magnum ammo *
Fusion ammo *
AR ammo *
AR grenades *
Missile pack *
TOZT fuel *
Invisibility power-up *
Extravision power-up *
Infravision power-up *
Invincibility power-up *
Terminal *
Shield recharger *
Pattern buffer *
Action key *
Uplink chip
Player physics *
Random item spawn *
Limit number of items present *
User guide *
Of the 51 items on this list, 32 have asterisks. Also some of the tasks, like most of the coding tasks towards the end of the list (e.g.: player physics and random item spawn) each have their own lists buried beneath them. Most of the others require first and third person models as well as pick-up models and animation. In other words, we wpould need to be *at least* 2/3 complete before we could recreate the original Marathon demo. I don't recall what sort of user guide came with the demo (since I already had the leaked beta by that time I wouldn't have read it) but we would probably include one just to avoid getting 80 million emails about stupid stuff like, "How come doors don't automatically open when I bump into them?" Recreating the original demo requires almost as much work as the full TC mod.