"Does the distance one travels from center make one more free
to move?"
"No. Freedom has two parts: potential and resolution; as
metaphor has two parts: form and interpretation. Of course,
the two are intertwined. Metaphor lines the road to freedom,
as symbols and words are the bricks and mortar of meaning.
Freedom is being the bricoleur, the mason."
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Marathon: Resurrection Forum
Somewhere in the heavens...
Posted By: Tycho Date: 2004.
Alright boys and girls, this one's a sitter, so pull up a chair and read on...
With the completion of the tick texture [as seen in the new splash and the enclosed image] all M:R models are now done. Animation for all is also close to completion which also signifies completion of _all_ M:R resources that are absolutely necessary to play the game...with the exception, of course, of some SP maps.
What does this mean? This means that in the immediate future, a build will be compiled with all necessary resources to actually complete this here project. Up to this point, all parts of the game were waiting for some other part to be finished. Approximately 17 single player maps need to be finished to call the project complete. All maps have some geometry in place...this is now, where you come in, and when we need everyone the most..
This project has been going on for a very long time...4 years. In computer game years, this is an incredibly long time, and we are incredibly fortunate to have had you along during this time. Speaking for myself, there was little motivation to keep plugging at this if it weren't for the response we've received and the genuine enthusiasm we've felt at various points in these 4 years from you, and all those who took part in this project from the sidelines, as fans, players, commentators etc...
At this point, we need your help...we need help to finish these remaining SP maps. We need everyone who can map and can dedicate some time to please try and help, or if you know someone who can help, ask them...if you know of places where you can ask for help, please do. The second part is that I'd like some input from everyone as to how to set up the distribution and collection method for these unfinished to finished maps. Currently, I'm thinking and have received permission to use the UT part of FileBall. I would post all necessary resources (build, unfinished map files etc) under a special category, and have a different category for complete or in progress maps to be uploaded...Details need to be sorted out, but this is currently the best way I can think of.
I'm hoping for an early summer release of the complete M:R, but that's already saying too much and A) I don't want to spoil the surprise and B) I hope it actually happens!
This project has had an amazing life, lets not leave it to the faith of so many international, volunteer based MOD efforts and lets make it an example of what a great game community can be capabale of.