"Does the distance one travels from center make one more free
to move?"
"No. Freedom has two parts: potential and resolution; as
metaphor has two parts: form and interpretation. Of course,
the two are intertwined. Metaphor lines the road to freedom,
as symbols and words are the bricks and mortar of meaning.
Freedom is being the bricoleur, the mason."
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Marathon: Resurrection Forum
Re: Tuncer...
Posted By: Tycho Date: 2004.
In Response To: Re: Tuncer... (Durandle)
: On a side note, how hard is it to port UT1 mods/maps/etc
: over to the UT2004 engine? If it is not a case of
: having to remake everything, would that be an idea?
: Would bring a new lease of life to Marathon being on a
: brand new engine where a new and large fanbase is just
: picking up [also having very few mods already there] -
: maybe even be easier to implement some of the game
: modes better [kill the man with the ball, king of the
: hill, co-op, etc...] - just a thought, just say if it
: not possible though.
The maps and most if not all the code would need to be redone for UT2004. The models and texture can be kept, but I think they need to be re-rigged and animated (not sure on this). The downside though, is that UT2004 allows for so much higher rez models, so it would be somewhat silly to use the M:R UT models in UT2004. Bottom line is, some of the artwork for M:R can be used as is in any modern game engine, but everything else would need to be redone...there's no shortcut. The goal is to finish this, and have something complete...not just another half-arsed MOD.