"Does the distance one travels from center make one more free
to move?"
"No. Freedom has two parts: potential and resolution; as
metaphor has two parts: form and interpretation. Of course,
the two are intertwined. Metaphor lines the road to freedom,
as symbols and words are the bricks and mortar of meaning.
Freedom is being the bricoleur, the mason."
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Marathon: Resurrection Forum
Re: Walking lonesome
Posted By: Lt. Et'he Date: 2001.
In Response To: Walking lonesome (age2,1)
: Its not that bad! I wish there WILL be a single player
: mode. I bet there is nothing more scary than a
: harddisk nuke with no backup and all the data lost OR
: playing Marathon in a dark, quiet room. All alone. I`d
: like to gain some facts on that! >:/ And is it
: impossible to think about some progress status? I mean
: something like YOU think here in WORDS? :) This is
: very scary to wait for! ( <- I know i shouldnt have
: said that, i will never get a plausible answer... But
: its too late. Too late.)
: PS.: I dindt really mean god. And no i dont kiss asses. I
: f**c em :)
*Et'he turns his monitor sidesways.... Hoping this will make more sense.*
*No such luck*
Messages In This Thread
- Walking lonesome -- age2,1 -- 2001.
- Re: Walking lonesome -- Lt. Et'he -- 2001.
- Re.Try -- age2,1 -- 2001.
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