: No, I wouldnt use these terminals to get money.
: I'd just want to make a couple of terminals to enchance
: my Marathon Fan fic possibly. There all in HTML right
: now.
Then we probably wouldn't have a problem with it. The .fla files, however are off limits. Sorry - but some secrets are best left as such (but then again, I'm a cryptic AI).
: Of course I'd give credit where credit was due.
Tycho loves Credit. He is what you might call a credit-oriented person. I, on the other hand, like to make people scratch there heads and say: "huh?"
: BUT, what kind of program for Mac could I use to edit or
: create Flash animations such as your flash Terminals?
The simple answer to that question is Macromedia Flash.
: I don't want to shell out major bucks for the actual
: macromedia software. If there a freeware or... free
: way of getting software for Mac that does the same
: job?
Uh... then that's a problem. Nope - not unless you use other means of acquiring software. There are programs (Swish for example) that you can use if you have a windows PC (insert the timeless Mac/PC argument here) but as far as I know [and anyone can jump in here and correct me if I'm wrong about the Mac side of it] but there isn't any freeware that does .swf files other than Flash for the Mac. However, like I said - you can use Swish (swishzone.com, methinks) but there is no mac version and it's a *very* limited program. Nice for text motions, though.
: LOL, and I just noticed that you didn't answer my
: question about the secret terminal! Heh, AI
: crypticness indeed.
LOL - I thought I did... must be getting soft in my old age... I am glad you enjoyed them though and as Tycho said [as in all things with this project] it is certainly a team effort.
: Thanks in advance all,
: -Ernie