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to move?"
"No. Freedom has two parts: potential and resolution; as
metaphor has two parts: form and interpretation. Of course,
the two are intertwined. Metaphor lines the road to freedom,
as symbols and words are the bricks and mortar of meaning.
Freedom is being the bricoleur, the mason."
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Marathon: Resurrection Forum
Doors, CTFn and Sniper gun in M:R
Posted By: Grasshopper Date: 2001.
In Response To: Re: um...hmm (Wolfchild)
The M:R action key does seem quite a big "sluggish" with regards to doors and switches when compared to Marathon, but that may just be a limitation in the UT engine; in UT all doors open automatically for the player. That may be something we'll have to learn to adapt to.
As far as the sniper rifle is concerned, I must admit that it is my favorite UT weapon, both for long AND short range attacks. Indeed some UT maps take great advantage of "sniper spots" (such as CTF-Face), and having some kind of a sniper weapon would be adapt quite well to certain Marathon maps, like THRUD. One potential solution would be this: given that
1. M:R aims to bring together the "best" of Marathon weapons (M2 AR, M:EVIL Pfhor Staff, MI SMG, MI SPNKR, M1 Alien Weapon).
2. The M2/MI pistols (look at the graphic next time you play) clearly have a scope built on top. Some might consider those to be laser pointers, but they look like scopes to me -- otherwise, don't you think there WOULD be a small red dot, a la sniper gun from M:Red? No, those things are scopes, presumably built to work in conjunction with the eyepieces that BOBs wear.
3. One of the consistent problems encountered in M:R 1.0, and which hasn't been solved yet is the fact that twin pistols sometimes "jam" up when you fire both.
I would propose the following solution: While carying ONE pistol, the secondary trigger invokes the "sniper scope mode," something easily implemented in UT. While carrying TWO pistols, primary trigger fires both pistols alternatively, while secondary trigger still invokes the scope mode. This would make the pistols a slightly more potent weapon -- right now, they're hard to aim with because of their graphic placement, and solve the "jamming" problem that has seemingly plagued them.
As far as CTF goes -- I really hope that CTF is implemented for M:R. CTF is a popular UT gametype, and I think it was never implemented in Marathon due to a lack of resources rather than desire on Bungie's part. Indeed, AFAIK, it WAS implemented with Bungie's post-Marathon release Myth. How cool would it be to have flags with the various logos that appear in Marathon terminals (Durandal/Pfhor/Compiler).
Messages In This Thread
- um...hmm -- John Denton -- 2001.
- Re: um...hmm -- Wolfchild -- 2001.
- Doors, CTFn and Sniper gun in M:R -- Grasshopper -- 2001.
- Re: um...hmm -- Djof -- 2001.
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