"Does the distance one travels from center make one more free
to move?"
"No. Freedom has two parts: potential and resolution; as
metaphor has two parts: form and interpretation. Of course,
the two are intertwined. Metaphor lines the road to freedom,
as symbols and words are the bricks and mortar of meaning.
Freedom is being the bricoleur, the mason."
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Marathon: Resurrection Forum
About the new beta 1.1
Posted By: Brian Dubick Date: 2001.
Just gave the new beta a spin. Having more maps and server tabs is awesome. However, I do have a couple of complaints:
The teleportation effect for when players respawn looks REALLY bad. Plus, the white shell remains for several seconds after the guy has already run off.
Is it supposed to only allow the M:R player models during M:R matches? If so, I totally understand. It was just a tad shocking to start up a game and find myself facing 7 identical Mjolnir Cyborgs and a Bob.
It strikes me that the player models are all a tad too identical... any chance that we'll get the option to pick different colors in a later beta? You know, select different skins for the Cyborgs, Bobs, and Babses? Didn't Marathon used to have that option?
Otherwise, it's just as cool as before (which is pretty damned cool). But I think your'e eventually gonna have to either change the pistol's model or give it crosshairs, because as it is now it's almost impossible to aim. And the pistol used to be the best sniping weapon in Marathon! But right now, between the tough aiming and the weak damage, a guy who just spawned is pretty much a free frag for anyone with a better weapon.
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- About the new beta 1.1 -- Brian Dubick -- 2001.
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