
Team Unpfhorgivn is always looking for more manpower to help complete this project. We are eager to help bring the Macintosh and PC communities together in this creative endeavor. To help realize Marathon: Resurrection, we ask that you all PC and Mac people take a look at our help wanted list and see what you can contribute. If you are serious, and are willing to dedicate a portion of you precious time, we'd be very appreciative.

Go to the Forums

Want to join us?

Do you know UnrealScript? Think you can code Bot AI? Interested in developing exciting alien behavior patterns utilizing the mystics of UnrealScript and improving on the existing Bot AI?
Contact us.

We're looking for a few good mappers! If you've got mad mapping skills and think you can recreate/create mind blowing sci-fi environments, we want to hear from you! And if you're interested in doing single player environements, we REALLY want to hear from you. We're on the last stretch and we really need all the mapping help we can get.
Contact us.

In-Game Cinematc Animator
Marathon: Resurrection is interested in expanding its horizons to include in game cut scene animations to advance the single player plot. If you're a wiz bang using Real Time Movie Studio for Unreal Tournament (or intend to be one in the very near future) and want to make cool in game cinematics set in a Sci Fi enviornment. We want to hear from you!
Contact us.

Music Designer - Tracking Artists
If you know what tracking is, or if you have the ability to quickly learn what it is, we're still interested in converting and recreating the Marathon music into tracked format. This is an old process involing taking small sound bites are "instruments" and combing them into patterns to recreate the music. Common tracking formats are .MOD, .MAD, .XM, .S3M etc.
Contact us.


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