"Does the distance one travels from center make one more free
to move?"
"No. Freedom has two parts: potential and resolution; as
metaphor has two parts: form and interpretation. Of course,
the two are intertwined. Metaphor lines the road to freedom,
as symbols and words are the bricks and mortar of meaning.
Freedom is being the bricoleur, the mason."
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Marathon: Resurrection Forum
Re: Poll results...
Posted By: simpleknight Date: 2001.
In Response To: Poll results... (davey)
: Argh... once again, the morons has taken their revenge on
: us normal, sane people... =)
: No wonder I didn't have a clue what the hell a
: "Tycho" was. Despite the fact that I'm kind
: of intrigued by what you guys could come up with for a
: Tycho, I just simply want my double WSTMs (but NOT in
: single player). Please, please, bring back my nice,
: beautiful little shotguns, or there will be hell to
: pay.
: PS. Please keep the sound the Pfhor makes when you TOZT
: them as true as possible to the original, or there
: will, uh, be even MORE hell to pay. So there.
Agreed... maybe a lot of folks who would care didnt' know there would be a vote... those people (like me, I just found out) will probably dis this remake without the shotguns... they were the most fun, or a tie with the rockets... so put 'em in, please...
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