: Fond Memories of Marathon from an ex-mac marathoner.
: 1/ Jumping off the hidden high ledge in Mars Needs Women,
: firing straight down with the Spanker - missing the
: person I was aiming at - being killed by the explosion
: and thrown back one the same ledge!!
: 2/ Throwing a random missile at a random door whilst
: runnning about. The shock of opening a door to receive
: a missile straight in your face made most people
: physically jump out of their seats quite often!!!
: 3/ Someone who has less energy left that you runs out of
: ammo whilst you are both underwater. Get the job done
: much quicker by waiting for them to get close enough
: to thump you - the let off a fully charges blast with
: the fusion pistol. (the electric eel approach!)
: 4/ Avoiding a barrage of Missiles and Grenades from your
: opponent by using fancy footwork - and killing them
: with one shot from the magnum -- which we nicknamed
: the bb - (ball bearing) gun because of its extremly
: puny firing rate.
: 5/ Firing the SPNKR at peoples feet. Which was of course
: standard practice. If you are both running fast they
: could fly for miles!
: 6/ The perenial classic and my favourie. Pretend to run
: aout of ammo by deliberately changing to the magnum -
: run around a corner and stop (just out of scanner
: range) then arm up double shotguns and wait. The
: chance of going after someone with no ammo it too
: great to resist. So when they come round the corner
: and walk into both barrels.......
: Does anyone else have these type of fond (or sinister)
: memories?
None as funny as when my friend and I were playing. I was whupping with no contest. The clocked ticked down to a few seconds. I knew he was on a ledge above me and I had my spanker out but I didn't think I'd hit him, just scare him a bit. So I point it just above the ledge and fire. At this point in time my friend decides that this would be a good time to jump off the ledge!!!!!!! HOME RUUUUUUUNNNNNN!!!!!!! :D